Sunday, June 20, 2010


thats sexy

i worship you

fix these broken things, mend my shattered heart
trip to the park to discover myself, to discover how to be free. to feel the child within.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Sometimes i feel worthless
Sometimes i feel like i'm not good enough
Sometimes i feel like no one cares
Sometimes i feel like crying a fuckload
Sometimes i feel like a little fucking whiny, wimpy bitch
Sometimes i hate being a little fucking emo, what the fuck is up my fucking ass

Monday, June 7, 2010

Sunday, July 18, 2088

Friday, June 4, 2010

tallulah morton

one stunning girl
the more people that shave their heads, the less orginal it becomes. choose wisely and stop putting the unique and extraordinary in danger.
i will not listen to your wise words as i am a stubborn 15 year old with a head full complete and utter shit. therefore i am right.. you are wrong mother fucker.

smoking kills in multiple ways. eh.

welcome to the woods

sadly just an average night in caras life


hey wassup?
just chillen wbu?
yeah.. just chillen,,

not a care in the world